Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Vacation Bible School usually takes place one week each summer, Monday through Friday, 5:30pm to 8pm, starting with dinner. Young people then go to an opening followed by a rotation of games, music, crafts, science, and small group along with others near them in age. Check back here for dates for next Summer.
Confirmation Class Enrollment
Confirmation Class is a social and educational gathering that will meet a few times per month intended for young people, typically 7th to 10th grade. It is a two-year program that begins each September and culminates with the Rite of Confirmation. Anyone interested in attending the classes may call the church office (410-485-7654) between 9:30 and 2:30, or contact Deacon Doug.
Wednesday Bible Study
We have a Bible Study at 6 pm most Wednesdays. We continue to offer Bible Study in-person and on Zoom. Also, if you know you’d like an opportunity to gather as a small group, either by Zoom or in-person, let Pastor Parker know. More information about small groups can be found here.
KidZone is for children 3 through 6th grade during both Sunday services (9 & 10:30) and Wednesday Bible Study (6pm) and Candlelight Communion (7pm). You can find KidZone in room 106-108. We begin to gather around 5:45pm on Wednesdays, check in with one another, have dinner, prepare a craft, remind one another of expectations for our time together, welcome others who come at 7, do a craft and a song, go in to worship for communion, and return to the room until service ends. On Sundays children go to KidZone after the Children’s Sermon, return for communion and return to the room until the service ends. Adults may pick the kids up following the service.
We have now re-started nursery on Sundays during both services.
Youth Group
Anyone in grades 3 to 12 is invited to be a part of the youth group. We will be meeting on the second Sunday each month. We are finalizing plans for going to the ELCA Youth Gathering in July 2024. Look for fundraising opportunities soon! There will be a retreat for middle schoolers April 12th-14th. Let Hoss Parvizian or Pastor Parker or Amber Leber or Faith Fetzer know if you would like to know more! Friends are always welcome.